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The next meeting will be on
Friday, May 3rd, 2024

Location: The Shibe Park Tavern, located in the Oakland Coliseum.

The luncheon is sponsored by Kazan, McClain, Satterley and Greenwood.
Their offices are at 55 Harrison Street, Oakland, CA 94607
Telephon # 877-995-6372 or 510-302-1000

Happy hour from 11:00 AM until 12:00 Noon
The lunch will start at 12:15 PM, following a short meeting.

Please confirm if attending:
by Friday, April 26, 2024

Call or text to: 925-212-8300
Or email me at retireesclub@local16.US



2024 events planned for the Retiree Club:
(Meeting Dates, Events and Sponsors)

Activities for 2024
January 19: Ladies luncheon sponsored by Retirees Club and BeneSys
February 7: Field Trip to Oakland Aviation Museum

March 15: Retirees luncheon sponsored by the Paul Law Firm
April 12: Ladies luncheon sponsored by the Paul Law Firm
May: Retirees luncheon sponsored by the Kazan Law Firm

June 8: Field Trip to Charles Schultz Museum in Santa Rosa
July 12: Ladies luncheon sponsored by the Kazan Law Firm
August: Field Trip
September 13: Retirees luncheon at the Union Hall sponsored by Local 16 & BeneSys
October 11: Ladies luncheon sponsored by Brayton Purcell
November: Field Trip
December 6th at Zio Fraedo's: Retirees luncheon sponsored by Brayton Purcell


Specifics will be announced if and when information is available and we are getting close to the event dates.


Read the latest News Letter here:

Club President's Invitation letter regarding the May 3rd Meeting


Additional Notices re 2024 Events

Important: To confirm attendance, please return information per the notices' instruction or call Alan Pierce no later than one week prior to any event.
at Tel.: 925-212-8300 (Leave a message or text) -- or email him here:

E-mail Alan Pierce here.



Notice: It's a rapidly changing world --- Keep coming back to check for changes.


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Please refer NEWS ITEMS to us here - via E-mail